Friday, March 30, 2012

Rivers is here- Part 5

We finally were able to leave the hospital on Friday, December 16.  We were so ready to be home. We snuggled Rivers in his gown and blanket to make the 5 minute drive to our house.  As we pulled up to the house, Lucy was at the door screaming and waving.  We were so nervous about how she was going to react.  As we walked in she immediately hugged us but she wanted Rivers out of his seat so she could hold him.  In that moment, many days and months of worrying about what it would be like to adopt and then 4 months later give birth seemed to fade away.  This was our new normal and it was going to be just fine.

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

1 comment:

Grace said...

Anna I have been following your blog for a while, we share mutual friends in Greenwood, and I also have a grand-child adopted from Ethopia. Also I was just blessed with a new grandson and realized that they were brought home in the same outfit and car seat. His big sister is named Rivers. It's almost like you and my daughter are copying each other.