There are many words and phrases that come to mind when I think of my husband Russ. Caring, thoughtful, inability to sit still, Star Wars, child-like, provider, good relationally, guitar player, sweet-natured, LOST, camping, Camp Lake Stephens, Camp Ozark, Tennessee Vols, good music, heart for adoption. I never thought that I would have a mate that exhibited all of these qualities yet loved me with a big and mighty love. He just knows me so well. You see, I have prayed since we met that as we grew to know more about our wonderful Savior, we would also grow in our knowledge and love for each other. On February 14, 2007, I thanked God for Russ and his ability to truly know me.
It was Valentine's Day and so I expected flowers, a book, or a nice meal. But Russ' gift truly reflected his heart for me. He gave us Frank. Frank is a child living in Ghana. He has a mom and a dad that love him very much. He is in kindergarten and loves soccer. But, God has called us to show him HIS love through monthly contributions, letters, and most of all prayers. We do all of this through Compassion International. "Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults."
It has been a dream to visit Africa and Frank but now that dream is becoming a reality. We have submitted the papers to be able to visit with Frank and his family towards the end of our trip. Pray that all of the necessary paperwork goes through so that we can love on Frank in person. I try to create this day in my head, the day that we meet him. I try to think of the way that we will feel and what will be going through our heads, what we will say...but, I come up empty because I have no idea what this experience will entail. All of this is so new, exciting, and a bit scary. But this time, unlike the nurse that gave us our shots, scary is good. It is good to be opened up, examined by our Father, and changed forever.
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